William H. Petrarca

My early career sprouted from the seeds of my natural proclivities for all things mathematical and scientific, finding me on the professional track of computer analysis within the booming defense industrial complex of the 1970’s.  Moving to a bank in Cleveland, I was fortunate to have participated in several automation “firsts” in the evolution of electronic banking.

In the 1990’s, I found myself taking off on an entrepreneurial tangent with several start-ups: one in telecommunications, another in software development and yet another in healthcare information.  Although the richness of these business experiences was not matched by the success of the start-ups themselves, I look back favorably upon the prominent influences they have had on my personal and professional development.

The “last act” of my career was staged in Columbus, OH, where my wife, Jane, and I founded an executive management consultancy, teaching leadership skills to management teams in large and medium-sized organizations.  The ongoing success of our venture is evidenced by its 20+ years of growth.

With a dear friend, I grew deep in the all-encompassing effort of co-authoring a short manuscript based on the writings of Henry Nelson Wieman.  Our book is entitled “The Greatest Good: Rethinking the Role of Relationships in the Moral Fiber of our Companies and Communities.”  Later on, in the wonderment of my grandson’s birth, I felt driven to transfer what little enlightenment I garnered along the way to my new grandson and spent a year writing “Sonnets to My New Grandson.”