Theodore L. Brown
Theodore L. Brown (Ted Brown) is a native of Green Bay, Wisconsin. He graduated from the Illinois Institute of Technology with a B.S. degree in Chemistry. After serving three years on active duty in the Navy during the Korean War, he attended Michigan State University and received his Ph.D. in Chemistry. He then joined the faculty of the University of Illinois, and remained there for 38 years, retiring in 1994. At Illinois he was a professor of Chemistry, teaching and pursuing a highly successful research program. He also developed a second career as a writer, and authored or coauthored several textbooks, including Chemistry: The Central Science. It remains a best-selling text in its 14th edition.
Ted also established a career as a university administrator, serving as Dean of the Graduate School, Vice-Chancellor for Research and as the founding Director of the Arnold and Mabel Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology. He has served on many boards and committees, and has been honored with many awards. (
Ted has had a long-standing interest in environmental issues. In 1970 he published a short book for general audiences, Energy and Environment. He was one of the earliest in calling attention to the potential climate threats of global warming. In retirement he has pursued an interest in the roles of metaphor in scientific thought and practice. Making Truth: Metaphor in Science, was published in 2003, and Imperfect Oracle: The Epistemic and Moral Authority of Science in Society in 2009. Ted continues to advocate for sustainable, socially just environmental policies and practices. He currently lives in Bonita Springs, FL and writes a blog, .